Projects >> B-009 >> PS01 >> SV01

SV01: Weddell Seal Population Dynamics (B-009) - Big Razorback (PS01)

DOI: 10.7283/R3D96W
Citation: 10.7283/R3D96W

Project: Weddell Seal Population Dynamics (B-009)
  • PI: Dr. Jay Rotella
  • Project Lead: Robert Garrott
  • Funding Source: NSF/PLR 1141326
Project Site: Big Razorback (PS01)
Field Start Date: Dec. 4, 2012
Field End Date: Dec. 4, 2012

Field Engineer: Marianne Okal
Site Notes: In December of 2012, a pilot project was carried out at Big Razorback to determine whether TLS could be used to determine seal body volumes, which would then be used to estimate seal mass. The project was carried out in an afternoon at Big Razorback. The weather quickly deteriorated as snowsqualls came blowing through the area and obscuring the LiDAR scans. Despite the less than ideal conditions, three scans were acquired we were able to successfully image a handful of seals. The main product of this pilot project is the report located in the "Documents" folder below. Volumetric work was carried out in the processed RiSCAN project archived in the "LiDAR" folder below. No GPS data was collected for this project, and to minimize scan times, no photos were taken.
Metadata Report: Seal_volume_estimates_-_pilot_project_2012_-_UNAVCO:B-009.pdf